About Pan Am


Our investment system created by EX banker globally with a hedge fund is a pooled investment fund that trades in relatively liquid assets and is able to make extensive use of more complex trading, portfolio construction and risk management techniques in an attempt to improve performance, such as short selling, leverage, and derivatives You can Generate passive income with alternative investments Diversify your portfolio and earn passive income with investments starting at as low as $2k earn back 30% guarantees with our PPP program system.

Pan Am Global Holding LLC is an international commodities trading corporation and wealth holding managements an extension connection arm of major u.S traders company inc, licensed and bonded authorized commodities trading firm servicing the worldwide markets, (usa – europe - middle east – Dubai, UAE – Houston, Texas USA – Switzerland) with a particular specialty in middle eastern countries with years extensive experience in the global trading sector. Our presence on the floor facilitates information gathering and expands the opportunity to obtain the most competitive transaction price. Pan Am Global Holding LLC is staffed with brokers and agents with top professionals executive traders who have the ability to observe, report, and react to unparalleled market conditions.
Pan Am Global Holding LLC guaranteed introducing broker (ib), offering the clearing facilities connecting with one of the largest privately held trading firms globally. In addition to the normal operations conducted by Pan Am Global Holding LLC its own independent backup margin and position run daily, an auditing procedure that assures our clients of maintaining the best rate possible at an accurate account.
Brokers are welcome and the commission rate is standard case by case per contract and includes all fees and floor brokerage.

Our performances approach has gained recognition Globally from some of the most important global organizations